Caro Futsal Community
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Caro Futsal Community

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simon wale
simon wale

Do you Coaches have any drills for 1-2-1 (diamond) defensive Zonal system. My players seem to get dragged out from this shape/formation in the heat of the moment.

Caro Futsal
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Eugene Orwell
Eugene Orwell

4v3 attacking: Interesting that in all the clips Andre collated here the shot came from outside the D. Would I encourage it or would I encourage patience and a simple far post goal? Probably the latter.

Caro Futsal
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Eugene Orwell
Eugene Orwell

1:3 attacking: Very risky, similar to flying GK in a way. The ball carrying fixo would have no cover is loses the ball, The three at the top have no defensive intentions but they are taking positions and enjoying the show. We see it often in basketball where the point guard dribbles up, the rest of the team mushrooms on the 3 point perimeter standing and watching the point guard show. Need a very safe and sharp fixo for this one playing a defence that doesn't press.

Caro Futsal
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Caro Futsal
29 de janeiro de 2024 · alterou a descrição do grupo.

Welcome to the "Caro Futsal Coaches Club" – a dedicated hub for futsal enthusiasts to connect and improve their coaching game. This inclusive community invites coaches of all levels to share knowledge, strategies, and insights. Join us in fostering a collaborative environment where passion meets expertise. Let's grow the game together and shape the future of futsal.

Mehrdad Ali
Mujtaba Hassani
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Caro Futsal
29 de janeiro de 2024 · added a group cover image.
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Welcome to our group Caro Futsal Coaches Club! A space for us to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll.

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